Members’ Events

Upcoming Events

Members’ Lunches

Members’ Lunches will take place on Monday 23rd September, Friday 25th October and Thursday 21st November. The lunch will consist of a two-course meal with wine and coffee/tea.
There will 11 places available for each lunch, plus the Governor.  They will be held in the Committee Room with very firm timings of 12.00 for 12.30pm with lunch completed by no later than 2pm. The cost will be £25.00. Places will be allocated on a first come first served basis and a small reserve list will be maintained for late cancellations.


If you would like to attend, please click on the link here:


Monday, 23rd September 2024
Attending: Governor, Tim Vernon, David Rayner, Nigel Peet, Andrew Scott, Richard Haynes, Gregor Grant, Chris Hearld, Martin Marsh and Michael Sturge.
There are 2 spaces available.


Friday 25th October 2024
Attending: Governor, Mike Bainbridge, Christopher Hall, Ashley Mason, Philip Guest, Steve Davis, Alexander McCallion, Richard Hunt, Julian Bedford, Peter Hartley, David Terry and Lindsay Mackinlay.
This lunch is now full and a waiting list is in operation.


Thursday 21st November 2024
Attending: Governor, Mark Abrahams, Alan Suggett, John Machin, Paul Shepherd, Andrew Marr, Antony Byass, Adam Horsley, Mark Warburton, Ashley Burgess and Alexander Marr.
There is one space available .



Michaelmas Feast – Friday 27th September

The Company’s Michaelmas Sermon and Feast will take place on Friday 27th September 2024 at 6.30pm. The Preacher for the Thomas Herbert Sermon is The Rev Tim Robinson, the priest-in-charge of Helmsley and Upper Ryedale.  A collection will be taken during the service which will be donated to his church and Parish Church of All Saints, Pavement.
The cost will be £75.00. Dress for the evening is black tie/formal dress with decorations and badges of office.  For any member attending the service only lounge suits should be worn.


Members of the Company attending the service are asked to gather in the reception area by 6:20pm prior to moving, by procession, to the Chapel.  Spouses and guests should take their seats in the Undercroft by 6:25pm. The reception will immediately follow the Service and the Feast will be served at 7:45pm. Carriages should be arranged for 10:45pm


No tickets will be issued but a full attendance list will be available to view here approximately one week before the event. If you would like to attend please click the link here: The closing date is Friday 30th August 2024.

In conversation with Julian Richer – Wednesday 6th November



The Company of Merchant Adventurers is delighted to welcome Julian Richer — retail entrepreneur, campaigner, philanthropist, author, Sunday Times columnist and Company member — to the Hall on Wednesday 6th November 2024. 


Julian will be in conversation with the Governor of the York Merchant Adventurers Company, Martin Vander Weyer — who is also business editor of the Spectator — about his life story and his passionate belief in ethical capitalism, amongst other things. The conversation will be followed by an audience Q & A.


The talk starts at 6.30pm (doors open 6.10pm) and will finish at approximately 7.30pm. This is a free event but we do ask that tickets are booked in advance. Please click here to secure your place.

Venison Feast – Friday 1st November

The Venison Feast will take place on Friday 1st November 2024. Each ticket, inclusive of champagne, wines and dinner, will cost £95. The Feast will start at  6.45pm with a champagne reception in the Undercroft. Dinner will start promptly at 7.30pm with carriages at10.45pm.


The closing date for bids has now passed. Members will be informed of the allocation of a guest place by email no later than Thursday 1st August and request for payment along with names and dietary requirements will be made at that time. A reserve list will be in operation should any cancellation present an availability.


Following the closure date, places will be allocated to Ordinary Members and then to those Members requesting a private professional guest. In the event of demand for guests outstripping availability, a ballot system will be used prioritising members who did not bring a guest to the previous Venison Feast in 2023.



An Invitation in the form of a ‘pour memoir’ will be sent to any Member who has a private guest for them to forward to their guest. Reducing costs, these cards will not be sent to Members but would be available for collection if requested.